Facebook users tend to pay careful attention to those messages that come from this network, especially when users are notified of being tagged in a photo. Since tagging doesn’t require prior permission, it becomes paramount to review each and every tag in case users want to delete them. Malware writers take advantage of this situation, […]
A recent study of Brazialian social network users inquired about security and privacy reaching the following results: 45% of users have their Facebook profile set as private (only seen by friends), a lower figure comparing to that of USA (59%) 63% of them share photos on social networks 29% share videos 35%, personal data 14%, their geolocalization […]
In its eight years of existence, Facebook has included and removed many features with the alleged goal of facilitating communication and interaction among its users. Some of these tools, such as photo tagging, have caused (and still do) problems that so far have not been addressed properly. Facebook only intervenes when the content posted by […]
Tagging without permission in social networks not only affects our privacy, it can also be a weapon that others use to cyberbully us. As there is no need to require permission to show tags on photos, we don’t have any way to defend against its effects: we are exposed to abuses coming from anyone tagging […]