- We encourage people participating in the campaign to respect the terms of use (communication, broadcast and treatment to other users) of each social network at all times. We can exercise our right to actively engage the campaign and our commitment to our digital citizen’s privacy rights without violating the rules of each service.
- FriendlyScreens is not responsible for the comments made by the Internet users in this blog or to those that use the hashtag campaign or other media used in the campaign, be it in this or other websites. In particular, we want to emphasize that we can not have any control over the tweets in which people use that hashtag.
- We ask people who want to show their support in a quantifiable way, to do so only using the means that we offer. If we offer different means is to give greater freedom to the Internet user, and in no way to artificially multiply the support of each as a combination of all those systems.
- However, we note that the quantification of these supports is necessarily imprecise and that by the sum of all quantified supports we only intend to give an approximation of the volume of people that agree with the demands of the campaign.
- We cannot verify that the stories sent through the contact page of this site to us by the users are true.
- People who use this form to send their messages are giving us permission to use such information in the campaign and other websites for online risk prevention managed by FriendlyScreens. Anonymity is kept at all times and no personal data is disclosed about any person who the case or incident refers.